
Joška writes to Martha (the cute slow girl on rehab): „These forms are blank because for these people you selected, there is no such kind of reports. You first have to choose people and after that report try to find data for them. If reports finds no data, just displays a blank form. I know that is not a perfect solution, but so far is much complicated to change this kid of behavior.“

Bata arriving later, at 18:54 instead of whatever was the time. I wasn't even asked to be the cabbie, the CFO will go, and if he's not available, Ford will. Wow...

On 11th, Dutchie is compiling a webpage with the Hossy demo stuff, and needs more content to it, so she's asking for help from pretty much everybody. A nice cross-section of Zero at the time, seeing all the names at once. Ford is there with both sons („nepotism is a highly praised practice here“); Andy (the guy with the semi-gothic tattoos on his bicep, always joined us for smoke breaks even as a non-smoker); the Marvinskis guy, our dežurni Ozzie; Betty, Bob, Brian (all names without faces to attach to them, though I think Bob may be the guy whom I visited once, who lived in some standalone tower of a cabin, with personal items strewn around the yard, a total mess, seems a lone wolf); Rita Zahn, Clara, the CEO, another guy with the same name whom I don't remember at all, Donna, me, Dutchie herself, Ted, Željko, Janna, Anuška, Felix, all three Mikes, Pali, a Nicole (who?), Reenst Leseman, Ryne Shipman, Brlja, Sam Underhill (the weird pimpled guy who had eye trouble or so he claimed, used extremely large fonts and added three layers of sponge on his chair), Pete, Joška, both Tims, sorry, both three Tims, two Toms and V. Bata was still not on the list.

Now this Reenst and Ryne... whose faces I don't remember at all, but in retrospect they were the first serious signs of trouble and later contributed to it. Seeing how Frank is not on the list, this should be the phase when the whole new Hossy project was redesigned. The DBA couple was still not here, yet this con man was out of the picture, so I guess the infamous Borg engine was still in the game, even though now it wasn't forbidden to say that it's fuckin' slow and unusable. Things will be hectic for the next few months, and me being in the FatHossy team, I wasn't updated on what was going there, pretty much until the time when the engine was ditched, the couple hired and started asking me about the tables in the old fat fox app.

So these two guys weren't hired for anything technical, but rather to reshape the game financially. This led to more discussion over the shape of the product first, but also to some weird decisions in the following months.

On 12th, more work for some californian clinic, something had to be run in batches (EONS import or evals?), and, as I wrote to Anuška and Clara, „I didn't send a thing - we have fox installed there, and all I did was fix the calendar table, run the import, create the batch, everything online. It's probably called wrong ("Block 5 (take 2)"), but she may as well delete it and create it from scratch if she wants to.

Take "everything online" with a grain of salt - the connection broke three times :) “

On 12th Brlja complains about FTP to Zero and sends a screenshot (for why would be copy text from the command window when he can just save a screenshot and attach it to the message...) with a trace from his machine to the server. Interesting - the first four servers belong to Beotelnet, local and Belgrade; then two DTAG servers in Germany, seven steps through Newyork, all servers with NYC in their names, then next eight say ALTER.NET and eventually the target. I see he's running Windowses 2000, 5.00.2195. Ted says the bullshit may be coming from along the way, some admins restrict FTP.

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), Clara Milovan, dežurni, EONS, Felix Goncour, fox, Frank Shelby, Goran Staković (Brlja), Hossy, Janna Robinsen, Joška Apro, Pali Bodor, Pete Citroën, Stanimir Kršić (Bata), Ted Gulding, Zero Distance (Zero), Željko Popov, in serbian