
On the chicken tractor, the movable cage, we spotted a dove. Obviously somewhat younger, fresh from the flying school, quite inexperienced, and not noticing the cat playing their slow dance around her. She'd take to the air and then land back on the same spot.

My lady felt sorry for the stupid little bird, so she took her (yup, so young and naive that she didn't fly away), took her through the house and let fly. She landed on the fence. Okay, stay there for a while, then go wherever you want.

But no, she flew back into the yard and perched herself on that tractor again. Well now, this is beyond our ken, sit where you want, and if you don't understand the reason for promenading cats, it will reveal itself to you shortly.

I hung around for a while, made half a dozen nice shots, the bird was posing and thus entered the history... and soon decided that it's better there than in nature and society.

The cats may pretend to be civilized all you like, they can learn to, whadoIno, avoid cars in motion, to not crap where we walk, to not break the saplings, to not enter the house, it's all a can do, but they will never forget how to hunt. Because it's not a remembered thing, it's a known thing.

„13:29:19 Ga naar https://api.skype.com/s/i?0-neu-d1-71a8ae7fafa3d39babafe404022a004013f om deze gedeelde foto te bekijken“ - That's Jan's brother, offering a shared photo to look at. It's not that I ever learned much dutch, specially that now I didn't have a live sample in front of me, what with context, with the opportunity to ask about parts I didn't understand, it's that I hear only fragments of a conversation (without image or writing), or such a message in wrong window comes up (no image, no sound), not intended for me, or there's an email from Belgium. It was often required that someone take a look in such an email, even a non-speaker of dutch, so we managed, mostly by Gugao's translator, which was still quite stupid (at least when seen from serbian) but at least it helped wade through many unknown words. I rather went in intuitively, just like when you dream that you are reading a book in a language you don't speak and amaze yourself by understanding it, e.g. how I did with this message. Knowing the context, which was fertology and Feds, helped a lot.

The day was actually filled with fragments of text, must have talked a lot by voice and the written messages were filling in. Something like this:

14:06:49 me: BTW, the logo on 5.3.5 now says V6 (!). probably because I'm running both on the same machine... cached in temp.

14:08:02 me: Funny, this works in but also not in current v6. worked in

14:15:40 Jan: Can you find out what got broken? I think there is a routine in mainprocs that gets called. You might be able to troubleshoot to look at the changes in mainprocs since then

15:00:28 me: fixed... eventtype = _x.eventtype AND EVENT = PADR(" "+_x.EVENT,lnLenEv) was missing the padr() so the expression to the right was too long and never matched. dunno how it used to work at all...

Mentions: Feds, Gugao, Jan Brenkelen, in serbian

17-III-2024 - 30-VI-2024