
On twelfth Škrba asked what about sending us the disks, when's the due date, how much slack he gets, when's anyone coming. Eh... „You have roughly half a year or stronger... actually now I know even less. Namely, nobody's coming here until further, and the firm here is also an unknown, see below. Tried to send Nina home, but we didn't catch an airplane ticket, so the thing is delayed... until about the winter break.“

Then I recounted the vacation and added „By the way, before leaving I was supposed to get the second half of july's salary, but didn't because something got cooked up. We expected cooking down any hour, but it seemed to me that someone there is strangling cats [i.e. dragging feet], playing for time, so decided to take that vacation anyway. Overmorrow I'll go and see whether I'll be getting that salary or not, and to see if I still have a place to work or not :)“.

Today, I see I was working on something about the import of data from EONS, gave up on having a permanent table and decided to create a cursor on the fly and to export into a table in the end. Mind this text in the import's documentation...

This form is an Import Wizard that imports a text file that was exported from the EONS program. This import wizard allows the Hossy

user to import this text file into an intermediate table that will will be appended into the Application Manager tables. We have made an attempt to genericize this form by placing a setup table on the form called 'Program.dbf' that the programmer sets up to specify the names and directory paths of text files that are being exported into.

Also, we say on each record the name of the table that each text file gets imported into and the name of the program associated with the download. For instance, at WDU, they do two applicatioins (one for University applicants and one for Rural applicants), so each time they export applications for EONS they have to do two exports into two different* text files. Because of this, we have to import twice, and one import is called the University import and the other is called the Rural import.

It must be Ford who wrote this, obvious by eloquence and literacy. I added the major revision history:

October 1999, sped up the physical import of the textfile into fields of export.dbf

November 1999, removed most of the macros and introduced Xport as fixed alias for export.dbf

December 1999, renamed this to app_import0 and reassigned it to be a subclass of app_import (Rick)

January 2000, added the zdUpdateIf and zdChkTableUpdate to avoid unnecessary writes and memo bloat

October 2000 format of the imported file changed, added YesNo method and zdCheckPhone, to avoid repeated code.

july 2001 moved into the new framework

7/24/2001 redesign - grid for tracks etc etc.

A guy on UA said „Having a good background in math has helped me in many ways. One way has been with my wifes sewing. She will purchase too little material for a dress and then cry because she does not know what to do. I will lay out the patern so she can finish her project and she is very happy. Still I wish she would purchase the correct amount or even more material than is needed. Velvet is the most difficult material I have worked with.“

I replied that mine does that a lot - I mean, sews - and didn't really have that problem. She either has a good intuition on how much material to buy, or at times has intuitive approach at laying out the parts to cut. Actually, I think that this ability of sewing, or more precisely the way she sees a ready dress where I only see a roll of fabric in the shop, is somewhat akin to our ability to know how will a class behave even before we wrote a single command, or the architect's vision of the house even before the first line is on paper.


* doesn't consider the possibility that only one file may be different and other one not

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), EONS, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Hossy, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Rick Netter, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

20-VI-2024 - 20-VI-2024