
Sitting in the firm this morning, at Cica's, sipping coffee (she does it excellently). I open the peesee-press, and to check on what I bet against myself, look up whether the "Unable to follow instructions" was published - yes it was, exactly where I thought it would be. I could have bet with anyone else, had I found one. (can't find what the joke was today, the phrase became famous and over the last quarter of a century it got repeated in five thousand other places... and to dive through the magazine's archives and look for june issue, not worth the trouble)

Went to the other room, then came back, and there's Pali, retyping the slovima macro. He retyped a dozen lines already, suffering like an orphan. Then I pulled out a floppy with the same thing from Škrba's message, he just yanked it over stevka (v. house dictionary), peeing base oil, I almost slipped...

(this will be just one of the stops in the long journey of the slovima... because ever since we put it into public domain on old sezam, it's been translated into languages of all kinds; this time someone retamboured it into a Word macro, and maybe it would work in Excel too; PeesyPress just reprinted it into an article)

Mentions: Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), house dictionary, Pali Bodor, sezam, Slavica Urdulj (Cica), slovima, in serbian

26-VI-2024 - 27-VI-2024