Big Ćale (Živa Vilin)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The last CEO of the kombinat's Computing Centre. He first laughed at the idea of computing being done on them PC toys, in "something dee, and a base, and a two, and an ay, don't you tell me". Then he tried to undermine it by hiring me away before we founded it (which I only took as a sign that we're on the right track), then fought us all the way. Tried to hold a lock on his customers, but mostly lost them to us.

Once he almost crashed, driving down the street and seeing me on the bike. Knowing me from somewhere, he tried to wave me a hi, then remembered who I was and immediately switched to "I haven't seen this guy, I'm not looking his way at all" and swerved. Well, he didn't hit the curb, just looked funny.

Died in 2007.

Mentions: 10-II-1989., Plate gets hot, 22-VI-1989., 11-IX-1990., Origins of New York, 17-XI-1993., 08-V-1994., 09-III-1999., 03-XII-2001., 12-VII-2021., 09-VIII-2021., Bole, DBA, kombinat, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Rade Peretić, in serbian