
On UA, I developed a neat little trick about using aInstance(), in a response to Jerbie's „How do you refer to an object from within that object when you don't know its name“. IIRC, he later developed a much larger thing of the same kind (searching and killing dangling references to objects).

In the Avai office, did one of my automatic accounting procedures, this time generating internal invoices between production and sales, so whatever of the product was sold, the production would bill the sales for, so they'd know the quantity and amount of anything that left the warehouse, without having to do anything much but register the delivery. Did this for just two customers (at least without extra editing, so it kept this date), the EnergoPro and those I visited two days ago.

In the evening, more work on that visual invoicing.

Mentions: Avai, EnergoPro, Jerry/Jenny Beale (Jerbie), UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian