
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

An important customer of Avai. They were making electrical stuff for hazardous environment, where any spark could cause an explosion. So all heavily protected, insulated, isolated, special switches etc. The owner's wife was a sister of a girl in my class during that one semester in 13..

They wanted to get us to develop more - I already spent a lot of time making an laser-printed invoice from fox for DOS - but the bombing of 1999. left them with barely half the customers, because many were flattened, the hazardous environments being often tied to explosives and ammunition.

Mentions: 13. april, january 1981., 19-I-1995., 30-I-1995., 27-III-1995., 24-IV-1995., 20-V-1995., 28-X-1995., 30-X-1995., 03-VI-1997., 13-XI-1997., 11-I-1998., 09-II-1998., 09-VI-1998., 01-IX-1998., 03-IX-1998., 25-XII-1999., Avai, fox, in serbian

11-VIII-2019 - 24-VIII-2022