Taho (Tanasije Rijepić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A typical yugoslav businessman of the early nineties. Actually used to work at the customs, and then his kid developed a lung condition, for which they recommended mountain air. So he managed to get reassigned to austrian border, practically in the Alps. And there he opened a small hardware company, mostly importing PCs and stuff from Taiwan and reselling them here (through DBA, who were a big partner at the time).

Mentions: 15-V-1989., 18-V-1989., 22-VI-1989., 16-X-1989., 13-IV-1990., 06-X-1990., Wienerschule, march 1991., The big import, 02-VI-1992., Office dictionary, 05-VI-1995., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, DBA, in serbian