
My turn again at the fair. I was there on monday and tuesday, then skipped wednesday. So unloading stuff into the car was also part of my job. I still don't understand how we managed to cram so much stuff into a yugo, plus the four of us, but we did. (mystery resolved later, found that there was more than four of us and one yugo was cargo only)

One memorable scene: Taho, slumped in a chair, his white shirt stuck to his shoulders, belly and back, necktie to the side, all sweating and his belly prominent. Sits almost straight, that is, in as much as a straight line as he can, on a simple chair which isn't built for that. Monologue: "See me how beautiful I am. Must be the god imagined me like this from the beginning, it's just that only now I filled the project".

The other is the nearly histeric laughter in the car on the way home. Someone cracked a joke, someone else added a better one, and this pool game zigzagged for a couple of kilometers. We were so tired, but the business was going well. I remember we had Števa and Blaža, but don't remember who was the fourth that day - Brata or Grgi.

Mentions: Atila Gereg (Grgi), Blagoje Vrbović (Blaža), Brata Avramov, Stevan Garaj (Števa), Tanasije Rijepić (Taho), yugo, in serbian

16-V-2013 - 22-VI-2024