
Entering Hungary again...

In Szoftex we had a fax machine which was basically a laser printer with a modem. So if it communicated a better protocol with the other side (which was, in this case, a W3.11 box with Word coupled with print-to-fax app), it would go hi-res, and the printed fax was identical to what you would get if it was printed at the source and sent by snail mail.

Unfortunately, the particular document in case was to be shown to a customs officer - something shipping related - and the officer insisted that it has to be a fax, don't show me the original. But this IS a fax! No, gimme a fax and keep this original. So the solution was to go back to the office, send it to an old thermal paper fax, so it would at least lose the resolution, quality and some of the edges, and would look like a REAL fax. That worked.

Around this time we somehow got in touch with Taho, and he appeared right here in Gemenc. His place in Slovenia probably isn't too far... lemme check... looks an hour longer than we have to drive. I guess he sniffed a chance to do some business, now that he's got his old business partners on the spot in a place where there's money to be made, so why not. His philosophy was always „it takes 10000 km to make one good deal“.

Went to some place off the main street, in a yard, had lunch with him, Mihály and two of us. There was a matter of some debt he owed DBA, which we'd gladly take over, as we did feel screwed up with what we got out of it, so we'd take this as a sort of finders fee. But all he had to offer for that was six washing machines as compensation, plus all the possible hassle (and the cost!) of importing and selling them, so we let the matter drop.

The weather being excellent - light shade, nice garden setting - I felt adventurous about the lunch and ordered „Gordon blue“, which I've noticed in the menu in several restaurants around Hungary in the preceding dozen months. Well, it's actually cordon bleu. The typo must have been in the textbook for the cooks' high, and was thus multiplied by generations of qualified cooks. Not bad, mind you, and this is not a medicine book where a typo may kill you.

On seventh added one bit in the rebfpt.prg, to declare the array external in reb_dbfs, so the project manager wouldn't complain about it.

Mentions: DBA, Gemenc, Mihály Weisz, rebfpt.prg, Szoftex, Tanasije Rijepić (Taho), in serbian