
She saw a rabbit this morning. Took a few pictures as well. Must be burrowing below Juliška's deck. At least we've swapped all those rats for a more decent rodent.

Nina and Ender are ill. She's got a pneumonia, he's got a combined asthma plus something. He doesn't have health insurance, and if he doesn't get on the job soon he may lose this one too. And his paycheck is on hold by the bank - he'll get the money in about a week. And he had to pay the doctor right away, and he gave him the worse diuretic again (the better one was worse because of wrong dosage, half of that would have done good(... 4 words...)).

We're reading about WTO's rules. The world is screwed.

Nina tried to donate blood, like she did in high school and college. Got a fuckoff notice, with the reason stated as „lived in Serbia“. Fuckoff you, cattle. (seeing the date is 28th of march... well, may move this closer)

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Juliška, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian