
Yesterday we got a new wheelbarrow, with aluminium box, won't rust, and I took it along in the afternoon. She went on bike, after she officially gave up on trying to take a bus - the departure was announced, but no bus was parked. Then a bus came, but belonging to a wrong company, the route plate absent, didn't even open the door, the driver just sat there a brief minute and then left. She went to the ticket booths to ask for her money back, made a scene, threw the ticket at them and went home to get her bike.

I took the long tube, shot storks.

On the way back we dropped by Matijević, it's kind of on our route (not the shortest), as we ran out of salami and whatnot. The façade is interesting, all bright red and yellow and there are cats milling around, which reminded me of A-burg, where there were no cats around McDonalds but a whole pack around Awful Arthur's (seafood). This was about the last time we entered Matijević, they just went over the top with the amount of injected water, even the more expensive pieces of ham are oozing. The back bacon has a 13cm layer of meat on it, that pig must have been an elephant. We switch on the search for sources of good dry meat stuff, this industrial shit is worse than that in USA.

Finished the error logger in Feds, retrofit from 6.0 into 5.3. It's a bit of a mess, 6.0 is being developed for more than a year, while 5.3 was in a limbo with just emergency fixes, with features leaked downwards only when really urgent or profitable. A month ago, 5.3 was promoted from a quickfix directory to a fullblown official version in source control. Now it's a struggle - which bugs to fix first, in which version...

Around 16:30 I got in the car and took off for Čankovo. She was already there, on bicycle, since morning.

When I arrived, she was somewhere back in the garden. I switched shoes, left the stuff that I brought, and as I was emerging from the house, Lenka appeared, to invite us to a coffee. Zeki has returned from the hospital, on crutches. He's been through a mad trip - his rheuma, combined with the corticosteroids he was taking for a year, left him open to a nasty streptococa infection, which took a few dozen puss and blood samples to find out. He had an immensely swollen knee, then few days later elbows too. They cut few of his finger tendons accidentally while cleaning up the puss.

I made a nice series of shots of his geese, and the stork on the chimney.

Took the rest of the day to cut the grass and weeds as far as I could, using the two-cycle trimmer, which we call švorceniger (initially švarceneger).

We stayed overnight. This last shot, miraculously, turned out fine, the eos40 pulled the light and the hand was calm. The white line is the antenna parallel cable from the house main to the summer kitchen. Because the old couple loved television, as their son worked there. Todor was the editor for culture programme in romanian language on Novi TV, which was mostly folklore, though it included, okay, literature sometimes (e.g. Vlasta's wife was published a lot, and that's poetry...), so we found such antenna cables in the house main in the kitchen and in the front living room. Who knows how many sets they had.

Mentions: Annenburg (A-burg), Čankovo, eos40, Feds, Jovan Dimijan (Zeki), Lenka Dimijan, Novi Sad, švorceniger, Todor Mirča, Vlasta Čkuljić, in serbian