
I didn't have any trouble with the parents. They were worried that we had a couple of older guys with us, but after hearing that they were just one or two years older it was not a problem. At least no alcohol poisoning, as we heard happened to Bosa, who had to be taken to hospital for some caffeine shots and pumping out the gut contents (the story was about the year before). But then it may have been just a rumor. Never heard anything more of it. In fact, I never saw her drunk. But the story stuck in my mind.

I've recorded the new hit of George Harrison, "My sweet lord" - the title didn't make sense at all, why would one call his feudal master sweet, or was this guy just chiding one of the modern day lords - knew that they have them in England - and that this was all ironic in a way that I didn't quite get, probably innuendos just like the girls enjoyed (and I understood nothing, because they have teamed up with seniors from the gimnazija, which I thought was quite unfair).

I thought the song was the beginning of some new future that Beatles would have, and a few months later when the album appeared here, I just had to buy it. I was severely irked with the designless sleeve of the album - just the photo on the outside, the inside had less art than in an obituary. And it was a double, not triple album. Much later, in 1999, I'd understand that the third vinyl was trash. The realization that Harrison is seriously religious came somewhere in between. The disappointment was proportional to his distance from my world. (Yep, the times when "my world" was a catchphrase for many things.)

I returned the tape recorder to Džok a few days later, and even later asked him how he liked the song I told him about. He didn't quite remember who Harrison was, so he erased it. Cassettes being the big rewritable thing, and rather hard to come by back then. That was the first cassette recorder I saw.

The two weeks before the winter vacation I spent first looking for V. Though, I was lazy, I could have found her at school, but didn't go there. I'd sleep in the afternoon, not half an hour but two or three, and by that time their classes are over, repeat the next day. Actually I was there once, with Gradivoj, in the photo lab, and once during the big break I was outside in the corridor, waiting to see if she'd appear, but she didn't. Tejka told me to not go searching for a girl right away, let it all cool first, settle down a bit. I mentioned V. and she said "not one that you already know". "Do I know her? We've all changed so much.".

Also, "you hit the right time to ask Duca, exactly when no frajer could give her what she needed: peace at home". Combined with the "had no heart to refuse", well, it had to happen that way. Different rules apply for others... oh well. And I had enough of others cutting deals and plotting while leaving me out, uninformed.

Mentions: Bosiljka Šain (Bosa), Dušica Tošin (Duca), frajer, gimnazija, Gradivoj Čović, Sima Veljin (Džok), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), in serbian