
A long email from my parents, mostly recapitulating what was going on here last few days.

They got an email from Go and Ricardo, about their first days on the job (although it was only her job at the time, he got one a month or two later). She's getting to know the ropes, and should start regular work now. Goes there by bike, but can walk as well, about 25 minutes. Which is because the area is infested with gated communities, including the one where she lives, which has only one gate at exactly the wrong side of it. There's no shortcut, she has to detour a lot.

Mom finally went to see a doctor, and got proscribed ten daily shots, which she quit when she felt much better after four of them.

We all had a headache last weekend but it vanished on its own. We're clueless.

We turn the heating on at times, but mostly the windows are still open. Doing some garden work.

Dad is trying to sell the vineyard, and one guy was interested until he learned how are the river banks going, which is left and which is right. He thought it was roadside, so he'd open some truck repair service.

Nina and Ender got my car's clutch replaced. He pulled some strings, the place where his aunt used to work was out because she now works elsewhere, but he still found a way and it cost 670$ instead of 850. She paid for it.

Talked with Berix these days and she may have some work lined up for me.

Sean took down some amount from my last bill that I already took down myself. He's still pissed off at something and I'm not getting a dime for november. We're probably done, he owes me 2000$, and if he never pays me, I'm still glad to get rid of the guy, the price of riddance is OK.

About Orlando: they'll need a car and neither of them knows how to drive. The plan is that they send us some money, we buy a car over here, I drive it down there and teach them to drive. I'd stay there until one of them gets a license. This should be in february or march.

On home front, had some exchange with Vanji about Avai. He sent me some email about liabilities (even though we're a LLC), so he persuaded me to give up on my share of the company. Which I gladly did, the leftovers, after USquad left, weren't worth the trouble, and from here I had no control at all. So I wrote a statement about stepping out from the company, two days ago. Printed it and signed it, then went to a bank somewhere on Hilltop (which is an altogether funny name, the place is completely flat), and had it notarized, showing them the translation to check what are they notarizing. When we were done, they sad they have a bosnian clerk working there, and she checked that the translation was correct. I then made a photo of the notarized document and sent it to Vanji and that was it. I don't have a share in Avai anymore. For whatever it was worth.

Mentions: Avai, Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Sean Chertoff, USquad, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian