
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

Initially they were working for Zero, who financed their hardware, English courses (held by Sofija, who taught me English when I was a kid), and their going independent. They are Brlja's team, founded on money they got from Zero, with (mostly my) sotfware (and customers) they stole from Avai (and, therefore, me). Every few years I look up their website. First few times it looked like shit, because they were using a lot of IE specific stuff, which didn't work at all in regular browsers. Then they had some screenshots of their apps, and I saw they didn't even change the labels from the old FPD apps we did in Avai. They only converted them to VFP, probably using the framework developed in the last days of Zero.

Eventually even Cica left Avai and joined them (but then nobody else did except Pali - Joja didn't, Joška didn't, Peja didn't). Saw them among the pictures of the fox user group meeting. She still looks good, but Brlja looks older than me.

Mentions: 28-X-1999., 11-XI-1999., 14-II-2000., 31-III-2000., 28-VII-2000., 27-IX-2000., 11-XI-2000., 20-XI-2000., 01-XII-2000., 13-III-2001., 11-IV-2001., 30-VI-2001., 28-VII-2001., 21-VIII-2001., 01-IX-2001., 06-IX-2001., 03-XII-2001., 12-I-2002., 02-IV-2002., 27-VIII-2002., 23-XI-2004., 26-XI-2006., 22-III-2010., 08-III-2014., Avai, DBA, fox, Goran Staković (Brlja), Jack Baran sr, Joška Apro, Pali Bodor, Slavica Urdulj (Cica), Sofija Letin, training center, Vladimir Pejin (Peja), Voja (Joja), Zero Distance (Zero), Željko Popov, in serbian

22-VIII-2010 - 23-VI-2023