
Timişoara... getting some wedding supplies, probably.

These days dad and I went to the fishpond in the neigborhood, the kaštel being a part of the fishery estate (it was passed to hotel enterprise), and some guy called Ćale (pops) was the director of the whole, and we set up to meet him in the tavern by the fishpond. To get a hall in kaštel for the wedding.

The guy immediately went into commenting my hair and beard, raised my blood pressure in two seconds flat, and I was ready to just call the deal off, take dad away and try somewhere else. But then no, I'm not the boss of organization, I'm just the groom, let them have at it. Just didn't feel like sitting at the same table with the guy, took praktika instead and went out to shoot a few.

The winter dusk can be interesting, with nice weather. These stumps that peek out are the mowed reeds. I don't know if they already had a combine harvester for that, or was it cut manually. These reeds, bound into sheets with wire, are nailed to the slats of a ceiling and they hold the mortar, as reinforcement.

They made a deal without me, I'm not the stakeholder, and not really interested either. How many guests will there be, what will be brought to table and when... it's all dad's. Ours is to sit at the brow of the table and stay sufficiently sober to the end.

From the railroad to 25. maj a new block of novogradnja was built. On this shot not even all of the old houses were torn down, many of them will wait for next year. The thick blacktop in our street will acquire its first pothole, 20 years after being laid, only when the trucks from the construction site start coming down off the high curbstones, hitting the same place over and over. Only when everything else gets finished, they'll take those curbstones out, to make parking lots for the tennants, almost flush with the road.

These days they bought me a suit and a raincoat. The suit is creamy, corduroy, with wider lapels and neck, doesn't look official at all... and I clearly told them to save the cost, it is disposable. I won't be wearing it, except as a groom. I put it on just three times - once in the shop when I tried it, once at the wedding, and three days later when we reshot some scenes, having fucked up the original color negative in the lab.

Mentions: 25. maj, kaštel, novogradnja, praktika, in serbian