
On 24th I wrote an installer routine, as if DentoSys was already diskettable*... It invented serial number and already contained the future generator of defg.prg, did the whole kit and kaboodle and fit it on a floppy which contained the app, branded with buyer's title, address, phones and whatnot. And I found one defg.prg generated the same day for the dental practice within Gemenc, for the robust lady.

On 25th, at home, „fixed catal6 [v 3 at the time] to resist sitting on the keyboard; for one, chk_okl's logic was wrong, for two it wouldn't have helped anyway, because an OKL routine has a rather high priority and laying a palm on the keyboard just heaps the calls on the stack which eventually breaks. decided to skip redefining the arrows and pgup/pgdn, they already do what they need to in a browse.“

One more trip to Délkút and Gemenc. Found out the kiosk down the street, just on the corner which is the backside of the church's lot. Funny though how catholic church doesn't have a fence, while orthodox tries to erect one at all times. OTOH, may not be a rule at all. My knowledge (I'd never say command) of the language was read-half-only at the time, my great success was to have gone there and bought cigarettes on my own (didn't bring enough tobacco with me).

My first solo trip outside of the presence of interpreters (namely Mihály and Ileš then) was when I ran out of tobacco and went there to buy cigarettes. I didn't buy the "Fecske" (swallow) that I remember from sixties and seventies, though they were probably somewhere lower on the shelf, but went for the mid-grade, i.e. better domestic brand and not any licensed western shit or worse no-name western-like shit. Wasn't too bad, but I took care to never have to buy cigarettes there. Got my tobacco and paper from home in sufficient supply at all times.

I guess this would be the time when I finally saw some money out of this. Mihály counted 700 marks into my hand. Haven't seen so much cash in three and a half years. Well, unless we count the 1300 I got last year, but that was an once-off, this looks more like a beginning of something regular. Actually, by my then calculation, 700 a month would mean a comfortable life.


* pun in serbian, diskutabilan means disputable, i.e. something that's not settled

Mentions: catal6, defg.prg, Délkút, DentoSys, Gemenc, Gemenc Polyclinic, Ileš Notaroš, Mihály Weisz, in serbian