Mihály Weisz

(Person, Hungary)

The big boss of Szoftex. Big Hungarian nationalist with a strange german last name (but with a weird hungarian spelling - I've seen Weiss and Vajsz too, probably related, Gemenc has a large german minority; he insisted he was pronounced veys, but every now and then someone would ask for that vuys guy), and a typical Jewish face... said he wasn't a Jew. Spoke Serbian - his family had to hide somewhere in Bosnia during the war. Um, yeah, sure, Hungarians with german names were severely persecuted then. Wore a Dali moustache, squeezed to barely 2", and then later looked even weirder without it. Five kids, important person of the large families' club.

Used to work at MedAdat and then went with Vilmos and two other guys to build this company.

Philosophy with money changed from "when everybody's happy, business flies" to very stingy in the end, and refusing to pay me the bet we had, on a technicality he invented. Never saw him again.

„It isn't enough that it works, it has to sing“

„You'll surely agree with me when I say that...“

Mentions: 20-VI-1994., 28-VI-1994., 19-VII-1994., 26-VII-1994., 12-VIII-1994., 23-VIII-1994., 29-VIII-1994., 03-X-1994., 24-X-1994., 31-X-1994., 12-XII-1994., 03-I-1995., 09-I-1995., 06-III-1995., 14-IV-1995., Choir visit*, 08-V-1995., 09-V-1995., 01-VI-1995., 05-VI-1995., 04-VII-1995., 06-IX-1995., 16-IX-1995., 20-XII-1995., 07-II-1996., 08-II-1996., Gemenc, MedAdat, Szoftex, Ventura, Vilmos Hausz, in serbian