
Horgoš, entering again.

This should be the week when they opened the previously unused summer kitchen into director's office, so Vilmos and Mihály would be sitting there. It was fully networked with the rest of the office, actually the big Acer server was there. The first Pentium that we had. Though it didn't stay there for long, it was scheduled to become the server at Gemenc policlinic.

Amazing what a bit of plaster, paint and new flooring can do to a little two-room adobe house (or I'd guess it was just pressed clay).

A big and thin dog, Erik, roamed the yard. Against the door to Ula's room there was a basement hatch, under the gonk, slanted as usual, which you wouldn't see from inside until you came really close. Erik would jump on that while running his circles, and we'd see him from inside, his body at our shoulder height. From inside, it looked weird, seeing a dog at that height, hence the legend of "Erik, the flying dog". Reminded me of neighbor's pekineser ( mentioned on 25-I-1994.). What a rich country, here dogs can fly even without a storm.

Mentions: 25-I-1994., Gemenc, gonk, Mihály Weisz, Ulrika Schréder (Ula), Vilmos Hausz, in serbian