
Bački breg.

On 21st I started working on the app for zzzzz, where the director was already the guy we knew, her junior year roommate's husband (all three doctors now). The guy was, ahem, well padded where needed, montagnari pedigree etc, wrote about that already somewhere. Since we were kind of acquainted - true, we did meet a few times, though never sat at the same table - he accepted us as his own and we started working on that sanitary checkup app, with the stipulation that it be connected to the lab so that the results would be attached to the checkup for which the samples were taken. Which we wrote, everything went fine, except the network kept fucking us. Some machine, around the middle of the ground floor, tore it apart. The network stack was the Lantastic, lightweight shoulder-to-shoulder and without a dedicated server, and the cables weren't too long either - perhaps 30m altogether for three machines, but still no good. As soon as that box is turned on, the network breaks.

On 22nd I rubberstamped a bunch of reports for PolC, had to do that sooner or later.

On 23rd I did the last fixes on catal5, the previous version of catal6. It actually worked quite well, and already had this neat trick of inserting the call to generated code in the place from which the parametrized call was made... sort of replacing the floor under one's feet while standing on it :). Something you could do in fox 2.6, because it would compile into a .fxp and closed the .prg - later it wouldn't work anymore, because VFP kept both files open.

Still, Catal5 wouldn't pass Vanji's test - lay an open palm all over the keyboard and see what happens. If the app can eat the impossible key combinations, it passes. Well, catal5 would fail, because it had a routine attached to each key, which I didn't like, but it kept the apps going for the time. So it worked as a simple browse window with all keys overridden, so what, it was a miracle that it worked as it was.

BTW, my test was pretty much the same, just simpler, and I did it a lot on computer fairs: wherever they had an app running and keyboard available, I'd just press enter. On Interbiro (in Zagreb), Sajam tehnike (Belgrade) or Ifabo (Budapest), about half of the apps would just crash. From pressing enter.

Seems to be I kept working on zzzzz in parallel, as I see lots done there too, and that in the afternoon. Either it was done on some box with date off kilter, or I did it at home. This being the catholic yule, it's possible that we weren't at home for the weekend but rather stayed until 22nd, went back on 27th and then broke off until 2nd of january, we have our rights to have a doček. Don't know whether we had office space for Avai, that would probably be in spring.

In DentoSys there was something about postal codes, some additional check and whatever. What a closet skeleton, the whole postal code story was done ages ago, what else can happen there? That was a ready piece you could copy from app to app without changes. But no. [Doesn't end here - see 06-III-1995..]

Mentions: 06-III-1995., Avai, catal6, DentoSys, doček, fox, PolC, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), zzzzz, in serbian