
Some initial work for that furniture maker near the swimming pool at šećerana. The app's name was "wood" internally, but it was actually based on a similar one for EnergoPro (electrical repair shop and special equipment production).

Some more work on zzzzz sanitary app in the morning. To Hungary in the evening, over Horgoš.

On 29th Joška added in opisfmm4 to format the screen coordinates in three digits - looks better, alignment is right. The comment says „added Transform() with "999" coordinates for SAY and GET, noting related to functionality but muc beter formated and looks nicer afterwards :)“ (haircut latinic respected here). More work around MEC.

On first, someone somewhere wrote something in VFP, i.e. the brand new latest fox for Windowses (not published yet, most probably, worked with the same beta version that we had), some library with various buttons, who knows how it landed on my disk some 5-6 years later, with date preserved. Unknowable are the ways of electrons.

Now that we had that beta version of Windows 95, of course we installed, have to see how it works. The buttons are all some make believe three dee, with lighter edge top left and shade bottom right, not bad enough, but... fuckit, for which nice [dick] we have color monitors, this is all gray. Even that blue bacground isn't quite blue, it's rather the montenegrin „subdued steely“*. I shit on your tone film**.

The biggest pearl is how m$ brags about how now „you only drag the icon of your file and drop it on the printer icon and the file gets printed“. No shit, they really consider this new. atarist had that eight years ago.

Which reminds me of a cute event of some 10-15 years later, which Škrba recounts from time to time, about some event in Belgrade, organized by m$, where they exalted the virtues of active directory (which is another bait and switch - this is not the directory which will never be a folder, v. Notes, it's now a directory as in phone - typical redmondlian newspeak), and expected him to fire some contrarian salvo, as he had already quit working for them and switched to some other, but no. He actually agreed that active directory is a very good thing, to which they reacted with confused hopeful smiles, until he continued with „...well it must be good, Novell has it for nine years now, and has good reasons to keep it“.


* expression used in some law of theirs, in XIX century, to describe the color of the blue stripe in their flag

** the famous quote from the „Marathon family“ cult movie, when the piano player gets ditched because the local movie just got sound equipment

Mentions: Notes on grammar, spelling and other witchcraft, atariST, EnergoPro, fox, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Joška Apro, Majkrosoft (m$), MEC, šećerana, zzzzz, in serbian