(App, Hungary)

The Medicines Central app, actually a warehousing and tracking app for phamacy wholesale. While I did wholesale before (in both stour and DBA), this was much more complicated, because of all the checks that had to be performed on each bottle or box, from the moment they got off the truck to the moment a pharmacy confirmed delivery. It went to some seven phases on its way out, and several on the way in - the lot numbers, expiry dates, minimal stock levels etc etc.

It was deployed in two places, but I'm not sure it ever really took off. Szoftex initially sold it to a big local facility in Gemenc, then to an outfit run by a small lady in a little town in the south (the author of the absolutely worst coffee I drank in Hungary, which is an achievement, the coffee there being generally three degrees below the quality I was used to). Near the end, it was nearly forgotten and out of sight.

What mattered was that Szoftex sold the machines and installed the network in the big warehouse. That's where the money was.

Mentions: 13-III-1995., 27-III-1995., 18-IV-1995., 24-IV-1995., 01-V-1995., 01-VI-1995., 04-VII-1995., 27-VII-1995., 24-IX-1995., 02-I-1996., 12-VII-2021., DBA, Gemenc, stour, Szoftex, in serbian