
This shot could be anytime this year, or even the next. The patterned box in the background is our old fridge, the 1981 Končar. It was still good and in working condition, no fault at all, except that the paint on the outside started developing pockmarks. So we resorted to the simple sticker type coating, the so-called self-adhesive wallpaper, just like we did with the washer, which had the same problem. The sides were in fake wood veneer, and the front was white with some animals, but those were gradually added to - various stickers were added as they came.

The breadbox used to stand on top of the fridge, a nice wooden one. Somehow the bread would stay in good condition when left in it, even though it wasn't airtight at all, and yet it didn't get limp as when left in the plastic bag, nor hard as when left in the open.

Nina, being our family doctor Doolittle, always stayed close to animals. When she'd visit oma, she'd get into the chicken pen and play with them for hours. She'd pick a wounded dove or crow and bring it home. Now in this new house there was finally enough room to have animals - so we had Skviki, and then it came to parrots. We had two parakeets, Popi and Fani (didn't really care about any art of spell, we're phonetic), and now this cockatiel, Klodovik aka Kloda. The name came from a similar bird owned by Broj 1 (number one) in Alan Ford comic.

Kloda was a funny bird. He soon learned how to open his cage, and would fly around the big room a few circles, and eventually land on the top of his cage when he got tired. Later he forgot how to fly, or lost interest, but would still open the cage and climb on top of it, using beak and claws. There he would sit, walk around, and after a few minutes would climb back down using the same kind of acrobatics.

And he was a he until he laid three eggs. Eventually Nina gave all three to her friends.

Then in the evening, back to work, via Horgoš.

In the morning we must have visited Ledinje - I see there was lots of work on assets for them (or they had a copy with these timestamps). Whatever it was, at this time it was probably just a makeup over Fefi's app, or did Brlja cook up something - I know that what we had at the time wasn't quite up to snuff.

In the afternoon I was reworking the EnergoPro app to do furniture.

Mentions: Alan Ford, assets app, EnergoPro, Ferenc Farkaš (Fefi), Goran Staković (Brlja), Ledinje, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oma, Skviki, in serbian