
Working for Ileš, part two. More stuff to do for the psionorg, and integration of it into the app. Crossed at Bački Breg. He leaves me in the apartment, somewhat overstuffed with furniture, to study the docs and play with the gadget. We did have one back in 1989, wanted to do reading gas meters with it, but the gas distributor opted for a different model, more sturdy and stupid, which I eventually got to work, so this should be so much easier.

Around this time there was the case of the stupid dog. It was late in the afternoon, and (... 84 words...) I was sitting by my computer when I heard some noise from the basement, as if she was trying to close the boiler's fireplace hatch. What now, in the middle of summer, when we're already switching to gas, we already scheduled Vlasta to come and do it.

Went down to see what was she doing, when I saw her in the yard. Okay, so what's in the basement then? Went down and saw this mongrel with its head stuck into one of the buckets, which once held the solvent for the bavalit façade mix. Its ears went all the way in and now they're in the way and it can't take its head out. Just randomly banging around, seeing nothing, sounds all confused with the echo inside the bucket, and the oxygen isn't plentiful, just what passes around its neck. Went completely stir crazy, can't stop, panic head to tail.

I found the chain we used to tie Popa at times, looped it around its neck and half carried half dragged it out from the basement. There's another photo where a cat is passing behind it, with, one would say, a sneer...

After brief deliberation, I put it into the trabant's trunk, and took it to city cleanliness, aka parks and garbage, they are in charge of the dog pound too, they'd know what to do with it. The guy there had the presence of mind to pull out a penknife and cut out the bottom of the bucket, so the dog at least had sight and air. Don't know what happened later.

Later, Faik's kids said the dog was theirs. Well, maybe, but then what was your dog doing in our basement?

This shot is the only good one from that first round of reshots - see 02-VII-2000.

Mentions: 02-VII-2000., Faik Rizvani, Ileš Notaroš, Popa, psionOrg, trabant, Vlasta Čkuljić, in serbian