
More work on the hfea data conversion (Nina to take over the conversions next time, as Jan wants me back in development now), even though their backport data probably won't arrive on time and the whole thing will be delayed.

These backport data are a story unto itself. Under the british system, each clinic sends data to hfea (if they mean to get refunds for the patients entitled to treatment at state's cost), which they then crunch and return in new shape. That is, they make them available for download so the clinic can take them. In this case, this backport dataset was the best source for conversion, it's a new customer with a mess of a previous system, the best kind of new customer.

Lena came on time for lunch. The bus roundabout where I usually parked is now plowed over, and instead of it there's the future gate of the new glass cube building. Glass panes were mounted at the moment. She bought gifts for all the children, including Milan whom she will not see yet - we'll visit them separately to see the baby.

Big lunch with just the eleven of us (we two, three girls, two husbands, four grandchildren), and for the first time this year we had more people than cats.

(Go talking with Dragan; Arpi and Ender in the back. Note how everything is in gray - after cars and façades, now it's also clothings and enterieurs.)

In the afternoon, went to Jagoda's birthday in a rođendaonica in their part of town. Took our car and two cabs; only one cab on the way back because we put all the kids in the saxo (well almost, except Violet). Not much news, pretty much the same gang as last time - Dragan and Silvija, Jagoda, his dad (mom stayed at home with little baby Milan). Arpi had pneumonia; today he had beers so we figure he's OK now. Of course, Boba and Milena, she being as pretty as always, all smile.

(at least the kids' area is in colors... same colors in all of them, there's probably only one supplier of all those nets, bars, slides and rollers)

And sGradlj.com has crossed the 400.000 mark. So far only one month has went over the 10.000 visits, but few more months came close. It still looks rather nineties in style (serif font, no gadgets, just some coloring of the fresher items into lighter background), and I don't plan to change that. Visual styles change as often as car styles, but content gets built over the years, and content is what brings visits.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), HFEA, Jagoda Umljanić, Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Milan Umljanić, Milena Požarić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), rođendaonica, saxo, sGradlj.com, Silvija Umljanić, Violet, in serbian