
Preparing for the arrival - tomorrow Go and hers come. We pulled the table, (... 6 words...) from the garage and shortened its legs by 12cm so it's regular height now, and bought the yard chairs, brushed aluminium tubes, light as can be. Then we bought another large matress, so the layout will be like this: Nina with Linda and Sanda in the yellow room, Raja and Violet in the blue (both rooms are white for three years now, but we stick to old names), Stanley and Go on our bed upstairs, Neša and Anita on the mattress. Didn't turn out that way, Neša took to sleeping on the couch, Stanley with Anita on the mattress, and Go had all of our big bed to herself. We two will sleep in the hole, the niche for the future kitchen that's above the staircase.

But they come tomorrow. Everything's ready.

At Firriver, the web update meeting went with the usual boredom, except the sudden silence every time 2.0 was mentioned. After that we had a meeting with Jevgenij, Nina, Jan, Kees and the new dutch guy. Jevgenij touted the virtues of asp.net zero framework and the use of angular as the js tool of choice. Then he left and we continued the talk. While the idea of doing a 2.0 with some variant of c# and web was in the air for many years, the way it was done, with absolutely no communication of intent or even events post festum, no word coming from Toronto, was found incomprehensible. Jan wants to keep the ball low on the ground and not stir the pot too much before next week when he and Kees go to Toronto. David seems to be mostly out of the picture and Briyesh and Ralph given a free hand.

On twonysixth we took the twins for a stroll in their stereo stroller, one round around the end, weather is nice. In the evening, I started the van's engine at 20:04 and hit the road to Lena, as the airplane is scheduled to near midnight. Got there in hour fifteen, not a problem on empty roads and specially streets. Sat an hour with her and Milan and then took the shortcut through the village, now that we know the way. It really is closer, though at night it's somewhat confusing, not that there are no roadsigns, but there's a hundred of shops, workshops, warehouses in that street, so guessing which one among them is a roadsign requires both luck and a sharp eye.

Their flight was, as usual, somewhat late, so we were at home only at 1:26, practically on 27th. Which is Raja's birthday. Of course, the gameplay was the first thing to do, so Raja and Neša sat with the controllers on the couch, as the older brother had to show what we have on them consoles that you can play on the teevee. Went to sleep after three.

Interestingly, Raja and Neša wear their hairs long, grandpa's boys :). That won't change for another year or two.

I don't quite remember whether she made the cake, or did I order one from Prleski. Had she made it, I'd surely have photos of it, so it must be the other, where existence of photos depends on whether I remembered to take the nokla out of my pocket. I've achieved a most important customer status there, the guy recognizes my voice on the phone, just falls short of rolling out a red carpet when I arrive.

The blowing of candles was as usual, at least two of us with cameras, children sing, the regular.

On 28th had another session with someone from CopyRx, going through motions to get yet another certificate from them. This screenshot was made during these tests, or while preparing for it. Nothing really new there, we did all of this four years ago, it's just that they are pushing out a new version, just as buggy as the old one, and feel that a new round of wasting everybody's time is necessary to comply with whatever perceived requirements of the law. If it's sufficiently complicated and confused, it must be serious and trustworthy.

Mentions: Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), Briyesh Dupta, CopyRx, David Berton, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Kees de Cock, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Milan Nastić, Nenad Berger (Neša), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), nokla, Prleski, Ralph Rotnik, Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), Stanley Berger, Violet, in serbian