
Just like we agreed on 28-III-2020., Boba and Milena came in the afternoon, around 14, so we'd have enough time before the curfew at 17. Just sat and talked. Gave them 80 eggs, since Lena can't come soon - and by the time she manages to, the hens will lay more. Presently, two roosters and 21 hens - fourth of the six excess hens we got from Arpi two years ago has finally died. Broken hip or something, she didn't move from her spot for weeks.

Finally changed the way links in Byo work. Instead of filling the two fields (SeeAlso and Keywords) with names of PPT records linked from or to current article, I'm now keeping a table with links (linci.dbf, using the mock grammar from ppp and burundi, where the plural from link, scratch that, linak, is not linkovi but linci), which works both ways. So a link can be one way, other way, or two way. Which I already see in this window where I write this, but in the generated page it will be just one set of links, period. And the generator should work faster this way.

Mentions: 28-III-2020., Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), burundi, Byo (Byo), Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Milena Požarić, ppp, in serbian