
Nothing much going on. On 25th we held Raja's birthday, without guests. The day before she made the cake, looking up yet another recipe on the web, this time for a "chocolate bomb". Something like 14 or 16 eggs altogether. Same pictures as usual, 50$ on his paypal account (and also from Go) to buy more games, and the boy is happy. The account he inherited from his dad, don't think paypal would allow a minor - but then, who can really check.

The curfew is now from 17 to 5 (was starting at 20 last week), and there's some talk that Belgrade, Niš and perhaps Novi may be locked down. Then it's Valjevo instead of Niš. One can't trust the news, the gov't camarilla is utterly incompetent, the prez is psychotic (there's a vote on burundi on whether he's actually clinically insane or just borderline, still undecided), the orders they issue are contradictory. There was a dogwalk hour (20-21) for the both weeks now, and that was also getting insane - in those high rises I wonder how did they manage to go down and up all within the same hour while keeping those 1,5-2m distance.

Lena and Milan were considering a move here, into the old house, as it would have a yard for Api. The web connection would have to be set up first, though. Seems to be they found a way to manage life as is.

I called Boba just to check on him and his folks. Dragan is working from home, so he took the kids to Kladovo and there they have their cousins' company, and paternal grandparents and seem to be doing just fine. His expected job at prosecution is slow in the making - they've asked him how fast can he quit the current job (which he already did) but then they never were too fast and now with the pandemic they will take even longer. Then the next day he called to announce he and Milena may come on sunday - earlier in the afternoon so to get home before the curfew. Then half an hour later he called again to say he just heard the curfew on weekends now begins at 15, not 17, so monday, ok? Ok. That's 30-III-2020. (I inserted this on that day just to see how two-way links look here in the editing window).

One evening we just sat upstairs, smoked and drank the tutifruti, and amazingly the theme was not the general politics, nor how the powers that be use the pandemic as a pretext to induce yet another new world order, with more control and less freedom. It was Byo, or how I fucked up by writing it in english. Well, in 2007 when I started, it didn't look like we'd ever reconnect to our old country. Now it's different and, hey, why not have both. More work, but then I have more time. Yeah right except I tried to use cyrillic in fox under wine on Linux, and it just won't display that character set. And there's no help, because what I found (help for russian and japanese sets) says to do exactly what I'm doing already - have the language set to sr&underscore;RS. Plus there are some other minor problems here and there, so...

And I remember project Dabo, which was a reincarnation of fox in Python. Found it, studied for a few days, found that it's way obsolete. But the last edited article was in 2016, so maybe it's not completely abandoned. Downloaded the latest, the older version being already 404, and started reading. Haven't installed anything yet.

The plan is to export the whole database into postgress (the part where I use the fes's tables to gather pics for a given day will have to revert to directory reading), then have a parallel set of tables, one for each language (serbian would count as two languages, the plan is to have both cyrillic and latinic version, with incursions where names or quotes originate in the other).

Mentions: 30-III-2020., Api, burundi, Byo (Byo), Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, fes, fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Milan Nastić, Milena Požarić, Novi Sad, Ryu (Raja), in serbian