
(can't kill the link to čvarci here, don't know what's wrong; it was here because of some text which actually belongs to 28-II-2015., I moved it there but the link stayed here... it's still a bug in Byo)(rechecked in 2024, seems to have been fixed long ago... but then let it stay)

On 5th an 7th I mostly finished reshooting the negatives. It was a batch of old shots from the nineties.

On 6th Go went (well, we all did), around 19:00, to have her jaw scanned, there's an outfit further down the street where photo club used to be, and amazingly they work this late. Then we stopped somewhere by the magistral road to buy gyros. Neša was buzzing around while we waited, and we had to chase him a couple of times, to prevent him entering the traffic lanes.

Now since Jan never saw PolC and I just wanted to show him how we did it back then - all the catal6 tricks, the negative findings GUI (he had something similar in the editbox class in Feds, though) and actually wanted to have something new added to it that I already had back then, I just wanted to show him. Which I eventually did, demoed it by running old fox 2.6 for Dos, in dosbox, over skype. This is just the day when I started, so setkey.prg created a zmajček8.INI file; the actual demo happened a few days later. It was just pure luck that this emulation agreed to use Joška's VGA fonts so it all looked right.

The reason for this exercise is that he's finally coming around to implement encounters, which is basically my old session event, i.e. whatever happens between patient's arrival and taking down notes after she leaves. So I showed him what we had 20 years ago. Writing this almost four years later, I have to confess that I haven't had the time (nor inclination) to see what he did there. I'd probably have too many remarks and disagreements on style. Feds is his app, anyway.

In other news, still some trouble with WordMerge class, damned the day he agreed to use that as a reporting engine. It's always trouble, and each new version of Word (and Windowses) brings more. Things which always worked all of a sudden just vanish, or new dialogs which can't be hidden (nor can be referenced) just pop up.

The staircase in the hall was not moving much, the planks were just leaned against their future position, Neša was playing beneath them. At least I finished screwing in the metal holders for future steps. Drilling holes in them took me weeks, because there were 128 holes and the drill bits were of lower quality. I sort of learned to sharpen them, which helped some. Froze my ass off in the basement several times. Developed a trick to pick up the iron filings - have a magnet wrapped in plastic foil, pick filings, dip that into a small bottle, remove the magnet while holding the foil tight. Filings just fall in.

Finished (a working version of a) conversion for some belgian clinic.

Talked with Nina on skype. Belly big, quite big, I took dozens of shots, and there's snow outside. Raja didn't get confused, though.

Lena sent some fresh shots from work at Prodise - they got two kittens there (Ana & Žak aka Jacques). One black, one black/white, both cute and she just couldn't resist when they sensed her as a full-fledged cat person.

The date on the picture says 8th of may... well, this is probably when she sent the first pictures, which I can't find. About three months is roughly the time the kittens survived in the office, then one of the girls had to take them to her home, as they were too... something, to live in the office, specially over weekends.

In other news, Lena was here and brought her new Mac. Not clear whether it's the office one or her own - she did own one, but I'm not sure whether that was now or later in the year.

Mentions: 28-II-2015., Byo (Byo), catal6, čvarci, dosBox, Feds, fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Joška Apro, Nenad Berger (Neša), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), PolC, Prodise, Ryu (Raja), setkey.prg, zmajček, in serbian