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Invitation from David to get to NY this thursday.

Lots of work for Gary, the deadline being long forgotten now. Things like

The dimensions... I know I added them, but now I've found that they were added for 2nd, 3rd etc image - but not for the main. I can fix that, but I'd need the fresh data to do such a special update myself (i.e. update just that one field without updating everything). I've lost the FTP settings in my recent crash, so if you have them at hand, that would save me a lot of time - doing a search down our 3500 messages is a lot of work, even when aided by a computer.

On UA on 5th, I posted a message #892473 (among others) about not killing the recordsource of the grid, because the grid then rebuilds blank, and whatever was built into it is gone. Rather, one should zap the grid's cursor and append from whichever temp cursor held the new records to display. Then Trish and Peter called it "safe select" a year later and it became famous after they published an article about it, and made sure, for a number of years, that it gets mentioned whenever someone has a problem of that kind. Here goes:

>>Before you pull the rug out from under the grid by changing the RecordSource, do this:

>>cOldRS = thisform.oGrid.RecordSource

>>thisform.oGrid.RecordSource = ""

>>* get your new data here

>>thisform.oGrid.RecordSource = cOldRS


>But actually the restablished record source is not the problem.

It is - because once you remove the rug (recordsource) from beneath the grid's legs, it destroys all of its columns and rebuilds it with blank default columns as soon as it gets new recordsource.

>I have code in the third column text1 double click that is cleared

You can either reestablish your textbox by having it as a class (advice you already got), or keep a readwrite cursor as a recordsource (one you would create yourself, to have the proper fields), and then instead of selecting into that cursor, select into another one, then zap your grid's cursor and append from dbf("tempcursor"). This trick will have the same effect - you're getting a new set of data for your grid - but won't cause the grid to autorebuild.

Ahem, it seems I had a snafu with the dates here, because I was on Manhattan between 31st of march and 2nd of april. These were shot on that last day. And since it was a friday, this last shot was NOT made in the evening. They strictly adhere to their customs, and the shabat is observed thoroughly - nothing invented since XVIII century is to be left turned on when it comes (and the time is when three stars are visible in the sky on friday evening, until the same time next day). It's just that there isn't much light coming in - this may be the top floor on this part of the building (there are more floors above 15th but not on full length of the building, it sort of tapers, so UniJewel has a roofless terrace), but the building across is taller, so there isn't much light from the windows.

Of course it was still daylight when I left the building and caught a train from Grand Central to Virginia Beach. I know it was a train, as I took a couple of shots inside the car. Not too bad, but still a bit shaky, the Agfa having to resort to longer exposures. But then the next day there's this conversation with David:

he (12:45:25): got home alright?

me (12:45:35): long, boring, safe.

he (12:45:58): hmm... the chinese journey was better then...

me (12:46:10): came at 23:59 - and she said "if he doesn't come by midnight, I'll go to sleep"

me (12:46:47): chinese is great - with only a dozen people aboard, each got a full row of seats so I slept most of the way*.

he (12:46:55): that was close

me (12:47:22): so what are you doing today?

he (12:47:48): I'm going to catch up with my reading

me (12:48:02): you on dialup from hotel now?

he (12:48:09): yup

he (12:48:22): we have gricdial...

he (12:48:32): it does not cost anything

me (12:49:07): good deal... and the hotel seems to be quite cheap, considering the location

he (12:49:34): it's the price...

he (12:49:47): that is what you pay here for this cq

he (12:49:51): quality

me (12:51:01): and imagine, when I got that ashtray - there were two ashtrays waiting in the room

me (12:51:16): and real ones, with slots for the cigarette.

me (12:51:50): so the hotel is quite OK - good for the next time as well.

me (12:52:58): btw, I repeated the scene with dumping the cash on the table. quite impressive

he (12:53:47): okay have to go

he (12:53:54): talk to you

me (12:54:30): CU later

The „cash on the table“ scene was what I got for the last air fare, plus what I worked before becoming officially employed by UniJewel, some 6000$ all in all. Never carried that much cash before. She asked whether I was a bit queasy carrying that much around. Well who'd ever think that a bearded guy in jeans jacket would ever carry so much.

Too bad I didn't exactly know when I'd return, it was an „we'll see“ arrangement, so it was a train back, not the chinese bus. Now this train to Virginia Beach is a different story. First of all, it's not the Acela, i.e. the accelerated thingy which runs from Boston to DC, it's a regular passenger train, so it stops in various places, including „Fredgburg“ aka Fredericksburg. Then the four miles between two stations in Richmond take half an hour, because it crawls. Some city regulation, or bad tracks, whatever, it just got me seriously pissed off and I never took a train in the US again.

Then there's the problem that there's no railway bridge across the Chesapeake bay. There are three bridge-tunnels (mostly above water, but one or two sections are submerged tunnels) all for road vehicles. Turns out the tracks end at Newport News, and there's the railroad's bus waiting to take us further. This adds about an hour and a half - which means that the train was running at decent clip, if I got home by midnight, it's just that it had slow parts. It made three stops in Norfolk, zigzagging around the streets, then drove through Virginia Beach all the way to a bus roundabout on the Atlantic, somewhere around 19th or 17th street. By that time I was alone with the driver, and some heavy rain started, so considering that wherever he goes after this, he can't go further than the ocean. Well he would sleep at the Double Tree hotel, he can drop me there. Nice, that's across the road from my apartment bloc. Actually a whole kilometer, because it's on the other side of the 664 highway, so I only had to walk the whole parking of the hotel, then under the overpass, then through the whole bloc, and so got home at 23:59.


* only this time, as this was a new line; each time after this the bus was full

Mentions: Agfa, David Krakovski, Gary Brandywine, Peter Branow, Tricia Deakin (Trish), UbiquAgora (UA), UniJewel, in serbian