
Overyester Arpi and Višnja came to us at the garden, to pick tomatoes. We picked them all together, and had a coffee in the kitchen.

We thought they meant to take two buckets or three, or two crates tops, but the madam also added a laundry basket... well who knows how much they picked. Eyeballingly, around 70kg instead of 40. When we invite without agreeing on terms, we get what we get.

Ја сам однео дедин бакрач, тј тучани котлић још од ко зна кад, вероватно је још моја прабаба у њему топила чварке (или ју је неко топио за њу, колико видим на оној једној фотци што је остала, била је опака госпођа), да га остружем да се у њему крчка гулаш.

I took grandfaher's kettle, i.e. the cast iron pot of who knows which year, probably my grandgrandmother melted čvarci in it (or had them melted, judging by the one photograph of her that remained, she was a fierce madam), to grind it and scrub it to simmer the gulaš in it.

Nina reports that Bil Gejc [Bill Gates] launched a campaign to smear anyone who opposes his vaccines. The m$ money is now invested into more profitable (and dirtier) lines of business.

This means the attack is on. Gates intends to do a surveillance operation across the Internet and locate anti-vaccine advocates. His minions will then undertake a counter-insurgency campaign to neutralize them.

How does such an operation work? I'll tell you how it works: "This writer has no medical credentials." "This writer is spreading dangerous information that will harm children." "This filmmaker tells lies about the most important medical technology the world has ever seen." "The evidence for vaccination is overwhelming, and this writer is operating out of the Dark Ages."

And that's just the nice stuff.

(... 121 word...)

Today the phone went dead, and so did the ADSL. Called 0800-100-100 and got through immediately (much better than Verizon back in the US, which took at least 15 minutes to get to talk to the wrong person first, then about 10 to get to each of the next five wrong persons). They got my connection back within an hour or two; an hour later the phone was back in business too. Didn't know they can operate independently.

The machine froze on me a few times, 2nd time while I was in conference, the change request meeting, with the Firriver team. Luckily, just last night I took the gugolj from Lena, when she just about finished migrating to the new Nanovo (wordplay, of course - it means anew, and is a Lenovo). So I reconnected through it, and plugged my headset into it... and witnessed one of the general quarrels. First Suez didn't have the patience with Jan and left the meeting, just when the latter wanted to summarize what they actually agreed to do. Then, a few minutes later, Norman came up with accusations that Jan is exercising dictatorial prerogatives on the team, and in his usual venomous style started pushing his hot buttons. That annoyed me a lot, so I started raising my voice, warned him to tone it down and stop casting darts. To which he accused me of taking Jan's side and kept interrupting me just as he did him - waiting for me to start speaking, and then firing another one. To which I don't remember whether my "fuck off" was actually transmitted over the wire in whole, or did I click disconnect about halfway through.

Then I went off to Rile's shop, and bought a new video card and a network card, both cheap stuff. I'm no gamer, and actually the old one, that I bought in 2003 (while working on some stuff for Gary, or Orion), finally started dying on me. I saw that my skype was still working for a couple of minutes after the screens went dark.

The rest of the day was just a fight to get the drivers to load, which finished with success for the LAN card in a minute, and with no joy for the video, until 1 AM when I gave up.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), čvarci, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Gary Brandywine, gugolj, Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Norman Shen, Orionware (Orion), Rista Stančulov (Rile), Suez Lima, Višnja, in serbian