Orion (Orionware)

(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

The company founded by Jake, Joanne and few others, based in Cueblo and also another place in Colorado. I was working for them as a telecommuter (often misquoted as telecommunist) during eight months in 2003. Visited there twice, a week at a time.

Their only product is a huge ski resort app, encompassing ski passes, gear rental, bar, kiosk retail, golf and whatnot. Near the end of my work there, a big icecream chain was interested in it.

Mentions: A word from the author, 09-III-2003., 13-III-2003., 25-III-2003., 11-IV-2003., 16-IV-2003., 25-VI-2003., 07-VII-2003., 14-VII-2003., 25-VII-2003., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, 12-X-2003., 11-XI-2003., 13-XII-2003., 05-V-2004., 10-II-2007., 18-X-2007., 28-IV-2008., 04-IX-2012., Cueblo, Emily Hoss, fox, Jake Bauer, Jerry/Jenny Beale (Jerbie), Joanne Stunter, Maša Bezuhovski, Mrvica, nebojša, Tricia Deakin (Trish), in serbian