Berix (Cecilia Roxbury)

(Person, USA)

One of the legends of the fox community. We exchanged many messages before we came to the US, then also after we did, and then she hired me in the times of greatest need, and then kept me hired as long as she could, a whole year.

Around 2018 I spoke with George and he mentioned she went through a nasty divorce. Next year tried to look her up, but her website was gone, didn't want to check her old phone number (may be his), so I googled her out. What little I found was about her work in the local catholic church. Well, she was a remarkable woman while she was. I didn't try to contact her.

Mentions: A word from the author, 12-III-1999., 16-IX-1999., 28-X-1999., 28-X-2001., 30-XI-2001., 03-XII-2001., 18-XII-2001., 20-XII-2001., 02-I-2002., 12-I-2002., 17-III-2002., 23-IV-2002., 27-IV-2002., Fox Essentials, 14-V-2002., 19-V-2002., 23-VIII-2002., 27-VIII-2002., 01-X-2002., 13-X-2002., 22-X-2002., 17-XII-2002., 25-II-2003., 10-III-2003., 25-III-2003., 20-X-2003., 11-II-2004., 02-VI-2004., 07-VI-2004., 05-VII-2004., 15-X-2004., 23-XI-2004., 01-I-2005., 05-II-2005., 04-VII-2006., 26-XI-2006., 10-II-2007., 20-VII-2007., 11-X-2007., 16-III-2020., fox, George Whiteley, Joe Dioballato, Kristin Peiser, Peter Branow, rebfpt.prg, Sharlene Weiter, SpeedCanvass, Tricia Deakin (Trish), in serbian