Siške (Siniša Savin)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One of IV5pp. Blond but with a deep bass voice. I was somewhere in between, so when Slavko called us for rehearsals, he caught us both singing very off pitch (he's tone deaf, and I can't control my pitch - and have the trouble to hear myself and notice it) and tried us separately, and kicked us out together.

He studied something, but then his parents got into some financial trouble, so he tried to find a job... and for that he neglected to mention his high school graduation. Pretended to be somewhat dummy, and he got the job in the print plant of the big newspaper publishing house in Novi - to bind comics. Gradually he advanced to be a typesetter, specially after "finding" his high school diploma. Later he completed the 2nd year of college so he was now a plant engineer, which advanced his carreer and he actually will have more staž and be able to retire before most of the rest of us.

This was the printery where they set the series "Lun, kralj ponoći", and serially mistyped mikropredajnik (microtransmitter) as mirkopredajnik... see under mirko.

Then in the late nineties he either got trouble with his eyes, or the publishing house got into general trouble, so he quit the job and moved back. They had a house just three block from our house, and was breeding dogs and trying to make ends that way. Which sometimes worked and sometimes not. Then he moved back to the village where he was born (probably parents dead, so he inherited) and now learns to be a peasant.

Mentions: october 1970., 27-X-1970., and the following few days, 23-III-1972., 11-II-1973., 16-IV-1973., 26-III-1974., Baptism by booze, 15-V-1974., Seniors' outing, 09-VI-1984., Ten years reunion, december 1996., 31-V-2014., IV5pp, mirko, Novi Sad, Slavko Enbecin, staž, in serbian