
Our 2nd machine is being prepared. Ted has partitioned the 20G disk 2:18, and asked about what I want installed on it. It goes to Go.

From Janna: "If anyone drives a car with the license plate 1 KT DID, please make sure that your parking pass is face up. (See Felix's note below) I would advise all to make sure the passes are very visible and obvious just in case. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PLACE YOUR PARKING PASSES ON THE DASH OR YOU WILL BE TOWED!!!!! One of our employees was towed today because the pass was in the seat and not visible on the dash. Please don't let this happen to you! Hopefully we will come up with a better system than the pieces of paper, but until then remember that you are responsible for your own car."

That guy was me... the fuckers didn't even provide proper stickers, just printed us some sheets to keep in the car. I put it right but it fell to the seat, and in the end nobody was on my side - we have asked for the parking check (as the students from the nearby apartments were taking up our space), so we should abide by the rules... which cost me 50$ and luckily Greg took me to the pound so I didn't have to pay for a cab.

Re extended visas for USquad, Brlja reports: "Yes, everithing is OK so far. Željko just called and they got visas.

Good news also, as you already now Sloba lost this election on all levels (local, parliament, presidential). Right now he is trying to manipulate election results, but this time almost 3 million people vote for opposition, and it want be easy. As I heard this morning, he already tried to use Army and Police but they refuse to listen him. Next few days may be crucial for us (and him). Personally I think that he is finished."

No explanation why Željko got a 3-month visa and Pali 12 month with multiple entry, unless it was because the latter was interviewed by the same guy who was at the window when we were getting ours. They're presently in Budapest, and in a hotel on Váci utca, the strictest downtown they have. Don't really know why it takes a three nights' stay, but then such is the administration.

In other news, I'm supposed to go to whilfest this october. Not to stretch this slow drama indefinitely, over several weeks, here, in short: Ford approved, and hinted that I should bring Brlja along (I guess he'd schedule him to be here at the time), and I should see with Janna about that. So I passed the info to her, and then kept forgetting to check her progress. Remembered once, actually, but she was out for lunch. By the time she came back, I was already busy with something, and forgot to check again. And then the next time I remembered, it was already too late, that train passed. So I didn't go, but then didn't need to babysit Brlja either.

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), Felix Goncour, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Goran Staković (Brlja), Greg Reubenthal, Janna Robinsen, Pali Bodor, Ted Gulding, USquad, whilfest, Željko Popov, in serbian