Janna Robinsen

(Person, USA)

Secretary at Zero. Petite, blonde, regular girl. A bit too official, couldn't really read her. One of the first examples of ever-ready American so-called smile, exagerrated by a set of mass produced teeth. Supposed to look nice, but actually quite unnatural to see them all of equal length.

Never cleared of the suspicion that that nasty email to the bosses (about my girls working at times at Zero, Ford's boys being employed and the Yugos working on training visas), which originated from her email account, wasn't really written by her. Strangely enough, I have preserved all the emails but that one is missing.

Mentions: 15-V-2000., 28-VII-2000., 27-IX-2000., 20-XI-2000., 09-XII-2000., 11-IV-2001., 31-VIII-2001., 01-IX-2001., Allan Robin (Ford), Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian