
(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

Yet another university clinic, customer of Firriver, this time in NY city. Onboard since 2014. It's been a long conversion from some database they had (which was a mess - of course, or else why would they buy from us). Then there was this interface to their hospital-wide system (luckily, not my job, Jan did that), and then the CopyRx thing on top of it.

One of the places where you have to go through a VPN (which you never run off a real machine, as it breaks all other web connections, so you use a virtual one), then RDP to their development server, and in the end they will copy the setup to the production server. Which is bullshit - when pressed by the deadline, they just flatly allowed us access to the production server for as long as it takes. The access was easy at first, but still all the paranoia was enforced - for any file transfer we had to use LogMeIn (which is then a full breech of all security, but what the fuck) or, for small things, zip file to string, string to base64, transfer via clipboard, unpack in reverse on the other end.

They also never noticed that I had TotalCmd on the dev server, nor that I used it to access the production server. Some cerberi.

A nice guy is their IT manager (at least for us), a Macedonian, had a few nice chats with him and he made our lives much easier. In the beginning we spoke serbian, but soon he started to switch to english right after the greetings. I guess even firewalls have ears.

Mentions: 14-IX-2015., 08-III-2016., 23-III-2016., 25-III-2016., CopyRx, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jan Brenkelen, TotalCmd, in serbian