
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

A car, from Zastava, a licenced copy of Fiat's milletrecento, aka Fiat 1300. Four door, 1,3l machine, stick on the steering column, a kind of luxury car, most frequently used as office car in richer enterprises (red tags with white digits), or the chase car by the police (white on dark blue, and the car was same blue with white hoods and rotating light on top). There are still a few of them around.

The nickname comes after the word trista - three hundred.

I never drove one. They say its engine doesn't have any horses, uses mules instead.

Mentions: april 1968., 16-VII-1968., Bucureşti, 25-X-1969., 27-XII-1969., 02-XI-1971., 26-VI-1972., Theatre begins, 26-XII-1974., 23-VIII-1975., 22-VII-1976., 26-VIII-1976., 31-XII-1977., 25-VIII-1980., 01-VIII-2005., 14-IV-2024., in serbian