
I wrote this as the day for the negative, but did so after 2012, so... it's a best guess, based on nearest saturday and a hunch.

The usual august birthdays for the year. I don't remember anything specific, except that it was all good fun. I see a couple of guys with guitars, Dženk's friends from Borik (so was he there too? hmmm), from Subotica. I remember there was a good gag with his dad, a doctor and a real fleabag, cooking the fish čorba for the whole of their gang while they went to the beach, promising he won'd have any hot peppers inside. So he found six or seven damn hot ones, lined them on a string, and let them cook with the rest. When it was about time, he just took them out and tossed into garbage. It was unexplainably hot, but "I dunno what happened, cut me here if you find any hot peppers".

So, just a list of guests: we, Brata with twin sister, Dženk, Magi, Šaki, Vanji, Živa, Pali with G. (who turned out to be another mathematician, later, the bos of IT somewhere within kombinat, cute chick), Eči, Arpi with a friend, some cute girl from Dženk's building, Ž.R. (whom I knew from Zmaj and the KMT competitions, a year younger), Beštara and some eight or ten others whom I don't know.

Judging by which jacket Vanji wore, this must be the year when we drank the most, and at some point we were just sitting around and drinking more, after having done all the shouting, jumping over the campfire, roasting the sausages on a stick and eating onions as if they were apples that we cared for, and then Dženk tried to sing. To which Eči just said "a lófasz a segébe, öt forint zsebembe" (a horse dick into his ass, five forints into my pocket), which nobody would translate in public (but she did for me). And that had enough laughs, there were at least six or seven people who spoke hungarian. Still, Dženk wasn't easily dismayed, and this scene repeated three more times, for good measure.

[I was completely taken by surprise in 2020 or so, when I was reading some stuff about the „Blade runner“ movie. When Decard eats at the Chinese's joint, his boss comes at him with this same sentence, not quite complete, in hungarian.]

Then Vanji laid on his back and puked on the side. Turned his head to the other side and fell asleep.

The pics were on that one long negative, color ORWO, which I developed two years later. None here, I'd have too many faces to smudge.

[2023... changed my mind]

So... we have a tristać and two fića. I guess there may have been more cars.

Interestingly, there'd be couples who'd come to the forest to fuck, and we'd spot their headlights and went to meet them halfway, offering them drinks and to join the celebration. This succeeded about half the time - some would join us and stayed for... well, depends on when the girl should be home. Sometimes they would stay for just one beer. Some would just flatly refuse and went to try their luck in some lonelier place where they can fuck in peace, and some would get outright scared and maneuver their way out really fast.

I have no clue who are the couple in the middle, they could be such guests.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), august birthdays, Borik, Brata Maljković, čorba, Endre Felbab (Eči), fića, Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), kombinat, Margita Gunaroši (Magi), Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), Pali Vereši, Šaki, tristać, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Zmaj, Živa Ravajlović, in serbian