
One of the last walks on my longest vacation... i.e. the last month of the period between diploma and employment. I'll start working on first, so let's enjoy this while it lasts. This was shot by someone of DC-99, probably Baja. We did come by the club, three of us, this year a few times and a bit next.

From other photos I see there's a freshly filled-in ditch in our part of the street. The sewers we got years later, the phone line is in the air (and we got it only next year)... this must have been gas.

In the afternoon, of course, Go's first birthday, it takes half a roll of color negative (which we then fucked up in development, didn't turn too well). Grandparents gather... and of course, the cake. Go blows the candle. As usual, when there's only one candle, the kid doesn't know what to do. Sometimes two candles give them an idea; three candles usually work without a hitch.

The inventory. In front of oma's house.

The inventory. In front of oma's house.

The last big august birthdays. We had more people, more beer (seven crates!), five bottles of Fruškogorski or Milion sparkly, and who knows how many kilos of sausage, bread and onion. We had people arriving with their own cars at random times of night, just dropping by. I guess in a few cases we surprised some who wanted just a quiet place to fuck - mostly they got scared and quickly drove away, thinking we may be some brigands (and the welcoming beer in our hands surely looked like a weapon, yeah right), in some cases the couple would join us. We even had a couple of guys, with guitars, who were some low level bosses of something in the bank.

Don't remember who drove the tristać (car on the right). Could be Dženk's.

Looking at the pictures, the celebratees were the usual gang - Brata with his twin sister , Magi, Dženk and me. Of the old gang - Živa, Sneca, Mongol, Šaki, Eči, Vanji with E., Pali and his ex, Baja with his wife, Mire with Zorica (he's not on the pictures, she is), Arpi with Ružica, Vasa with Lela, plus twice as much faces which I don't recognize - friends of the other four and the wider gang.

On monday we went to Timişoara - to get more kids' stuff, while I can still do it on a workday. In a week I'll start working.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), august birthdays, Brata Maljković, DC-99, Endre Felbab (Eči), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Jablan Škanata (Baja), Lela, Margita Gunaroši (Magi), Milorad Škanata (Mire), oma, Pali Vereši, Ružica, Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), Šaki, tristać, Vasa Šančev, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Zorica Škanata, Žika Šašić (Mongol), Živa Ravajlović, in serbian