
Cleaning up papers on my desk, copying unfinished pieces to next paper. One for here, probably wrote it 2-3 weeks ago:

feeling insecure? rubbish. I'ts fear of reprimand by society.

If almost everybody feels it, something's deeply wrong.

At work, lots of chat...

Oliver is documenting drug stock control. I've finished setup for but had to discard it within the hour, because Norman had some last minute fix to include. Since .55 got nowhere yet and a new one takes a few minutes to make (I've automated it thoroughly), did so. The .56 is about 200k larger because „I've replaced lhark.exe with pkzip25.exe so upFeds.exe now does the backup (and does it much faster)“. Das thought it couldn't handle long filenames, but „ from my tests, it didn't truncate any of the filenames. It was written in 1998, when long names were already quite common.“ Das was simply running an older version, but now with pkzip25 a part of the setup, he'll have it there. For the tech meeting, David: „Just a thought re: Norwegian Registry -- if he's away from tomorrow...I would suggest he and Suez have a quick touch base (maybe on tech call?)“ (that he would be me).

Norman: „IFRC: Some investigation has revealed* that the driving force behind their latest OHIP requests is related to the possibility of the 4 physicians moving their private practices to the clinic... Naturally, BR neglected to mention a due date next week!!!“

David: „Who let the 'cat' out of the bag (Britney? Or Andreea?...). Wonder where they're going to put everybody...“

Norman: „BR let it slip out during questioning. Andreea appeared to be disgusted with how BR is insisting on handling 'Private' vs. 'Clinic' patients and didn't wish to discuss the new group provider code (which is surprising, given that she handles all the submissions).“

About the big THUP sound that we heard few days ago... about which no news were published, only some post festum comments on the unpublished news. Very murky, and we never learned what really happened.

And about the metheor or parts of some russian contraption which slammed around Taiwan (allegedly, it thudded in there some ten minutes later, as if it can't scatter a bit and fall peacemeal, and then whenever each part hooks into the athNosfphere)... mountain shook, mouse was born.

Had CNN recorded the fall of the object, whatever it was, the story would unravel differently. Then again, maybe it wouldn't.

Here's what kind of rubbish the local news write 6 days later: http://hamptonroads.com/2009/04/some-kids-are-still-talking-about-big-boom

Local TV, two days after: http://www.wvec.com/news/topstories/stories/wvec_local_32909_strange_light.838d22a9.html?ocp=2 [both links are dead now]

In translation, they didn't find where it fell. Or they did and play dumb.

And that Molder is moldy too.

It's kind of scary, that there can be an event that everybody heard, at least a hundred thousand people, and there's nothing about it.

BTW, 1 of the rasejani lives in Dubai. Here's some from him.

In principle, whatever the guy wrote, stands. The article's idea was to emphasize the negatives, which of course, are there. And then let's make it a bit nicer, i.e. more ugly, to make it interesting. He managed, kudos!

What I never liked is that the same english press, which praised Dubai to the stars and back just a few months ago, now looks for whatever bad it can find - typical tabloid reporting. Either you're a god or a nobody. Even BBC had a report, anyone who wants can look at it, it's blocqued over here, just go bbc.co.uk then Panorama and it's clear thereafter.

The unbefucked English fly in here from some forgotten village, buy a house right away, a Range Rover and Prado, jump into debts, i.e. loans, without even a bit of asking around... not at all, e.g. that not paying a loand or bouncing a check here is a felony. No civic court process, first jail then the rest, and you can only dream of traveling. To the point where the police chief here complained that banks should talk to their clients who got fired and can't pay off their loans, because the jails are chock full.

I know a case of our guy who came here from Zimbabwe, nice job in a good firm, bought a house, two cars, kids in expensive school... and three months later, when the bubble burst, got fired. And here, as you know, there's no resident visa - only labor or nothing. This is on the subject of the lady who sleeps in her Range Rover. First, for the price of the same one can rent an apartment, second, if you're a new kid in the neighborhood and go out the first day, and suppose they all play as they did in the previous neighborhood, you'll just get your nose bloodied, right? What would you do? Keep mum and stand in the corner until you learn the ropes, or dick around right away?

That the Hindus and others from those parts who come here to do the physical jobs are exploited to madness is correct. See under Mexicans in the US, Poles in the UK, Romanians in Serbia, shok bros before... How else would it have been possible to build all that shit in just ten years? By having unions negotiate the labor conditions? Yeah right.... The English and the other colonial brethern, and thank you very much the colonial worldview is fine and prospering nicely, they enjoy having servants, living in houses, drive SUVs and can get drunk every day is all exactly so. That the local newspaper are worse than ours under Sloba is also correct. Bees and flowers, everybody happy and content. That the locals are mad, they are - first of all at their big smurf who got into debt to the gills and brought Kurta and Murta to materialize his vision, not thinking whether it can be done - is also correct. Would you be happy if 85% of people were from somewhere else, and indispensable, because there wouldn't be anyone else to consume and feed the machine?

It all comes down to buying a brick. If you don't know when to go to other side of the street to avoid being intercepted, then you buy the brick and shut up. And anyone who believed that the money falls from the sky, that gold grows on palm trees and that the sheiks tuck their employees into bed every evening and sing them lulabies, should seriously start worrying about their mental health. This is an absolute Potemkin villag - façade is great, behind it, very little is there.


Heading to Undersville tomorrow. The girls are returning from their trip to MIT.


* not in anyone's wildest dreams would he say „I sherlocked around a bit and found“. It's always impersonal and, if possible, in passive mode.

Mentions: David Berton, Mohandas Raj (Das), Norman Shen, Oliver Byford, rasejani, Suez Lima, Undersville, upFeds, in serbian