
On 1st and 2nd I was still in Zmaj, developing prints of those photos. The second day I met Ž. first, then took him along and then we met the whole gang at school - S., Miljka, Lidija, Milica and a few others who didn't stay. We had some trouble getting the key to the photo lab (which is surprising, probably neither Lazar nor his wife, who was the leader of the photo sekcija, were there), and then we also had to go downtown to buy some photo paper, as we've run out). I was again strangely attracted to Miljka but the feeling canceled against the anger I felt against (the presence of?) the others.

On 7th dad told me to pack quickly, we're going. The weather was rainy, so my orange outfit, that I wore for the prom, was out, too light. We went all the way to the romanian border, a visit to Veca and Sneca. I was impressed at how pretty they were, specially Sneca with her raised eyebrows, quite a looker. We discovered that we're into the same things: Korni grupa, the "Hair", Bee Gees etc. They don't have a compact class like we had here, it's still a village, regardless of it being a municipality seat, it's much smaller. I actually had the longest hair anyone there saw live, at least four people first thought I was a girl. Went to a local movie, some french thing about a state pirate. Dad and I made ćevapčići, with me being the modeler - dad had a tinsmith make a proper funnel for it, with one side lowered, so you could just push the ground meat with three fingers flat. They watched almost hypnotized as I did my finger ballet on one side, and properly shaped ćevapčići drop on the other end.

Long term plan is that they are moving here soon. The 25. maj is being built, presently around 2nd floor, and they should get an apartment there. Meanwhile, the two of them should visit some cousin here, and I'd be taking them out to show them the city and have some fun.

Now I wrote down that I had my first wet dream that night, and described most of the events and places of it in the diary. What I didn't write was that, between the movie and the dinner, we visited a few people (I guess they were showing me around) and were treated to whatever each thought was appropriate, so in one place I ate fresh sweet cherries, and at another I had a glass of beer, my first ever. Which didn't sit well with dinner and me sleeping in the back seat of fića on that bumpy road. It shook me really well, so when we got home I had to puke, and the vomit left me with a very bitter taste of beer. Which made me refuse to drink any more of it, ever (which lasted about three years).

Mentions: 01-IX-1973., 25. maj, ćevapčići, Dušan Starkić (Strle), fića, Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Lazar Josin, Lidija Spaček, Milica Zubatović, sekcija, Smiljka Grajin (Miljka), Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), Vera Stojanović (Veca), Zmaj, in serbian