Bukac (Gradivoj Buković)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A big guy from MPSŠC (was a student there when we met) and a member of DC-99 from year one. Didn't actually have the wire for making movies, as he was a bit spoiled (his dad was the director of something, perhaps Bangro, not sure), so he didn't take making movies really seriously and I think he came just to have fun.

When I say big, I mean he was about a head taller (although just one year older) than me, weighed 120kg and while a bit plump in the face and fingers, didn't look fat. His shoes were in the kids' grave category.

After a few years he stopped coming to club meetings. I heard he once lived all summer on mineral water, took a job at the railway station to load the wagons (50kg sacks of cement were the norm) and went down to below 90, perhaps 80. Then gradually he found all the lost kilograms over the winter.

Last two things I know were that he got married and moved to Novi, where he worked in wholesale medical supplies. Died somewhere between 2011 and 2015.

Mentions: 23-V-1969., 13-VI-1969., 23-V-1970., 05-VI-1970., 19-IX-1970., and the rest of the month, 05-II-1971., april 1971., 10-VIII-1971., 23-IV-1972., 27-V-1972., 19-VIII-1972., 16-X-1972., 23-X-1972., 09-XI-1972., 17-XI-1972., 20-VI-1973., 19-VIII-1973., 06-II-1974., 10-III-1974., april 1974., 09-V-1974., Defence and last days, 23-V-1974., 17-VI-1974., Olympics high, Bangro, DC-99, Gradivoj Jankić (Morava), MPSŠC, Novi Sad, spaček, in serbian