22-VIII-2019.: and the next two days

Took out my bike to stretch my legs and make a longer trip this time - the plan being to ride the bike more and more so to be able to go to Čankovo on bike, come spring. I took to south, rather randomly, and decided to go up the railway overpass nearby, to take a few shots (weren't bad - the old Fabrika station is looking so out of time). On the right, the panorama of the old industrial zone, from šećerana to the tannery, but now the trees completely hide the view. For a couple of years some parts were somewhat cleared up, while some guy let his sheep graze there, but then that stopped too.

Then after that just decided to visit the new cemetery, to find out where's Arpi's grave. True, it was winter and everything looked completely different, but still. So I left the bike by the flower shop and walked. And walked. Made circles around the place where I sort of remembered it should be, didn't find it. Found a colleague from MPSŠC, a mathematician but a staunch and boring anti-smoker. Well, died at age of 71. I lit a cigarette, with a nod, and said "see you in... surely more than seven years". Then drove on, all the way to ruža, Lesnina and then back home.

This jungle was once the kombinat.

This jungle was once the kombinat.

When she heard of this, she made a bet with herself that she'll find the grave. So we took Sanda and Linda in their stroller, and walked. There's a path next to the overpass, following the wall of the meat factory (where dad worked), it's 2,5km altogether. And she did find the grave - it's just one lot off to the left from where Brata was buried.

The girls, naturally, have no idea what a grave is and where we are, the whole universe is their playground. On the other hand, who can criticize them for this, they lost a father. And if I knew that once some kids will play on my grave, I'd actually be glad.

My total for the day was 10km on bike and 7,5km on foot. Not bad enough.

The next day both Go and I turned 40. OK, it's 0x40 in my case. We two spent most of the day in Čankovo, making more brandy, apple this time. Not good, total of 11 liters in two batches. Norm is 7l per batch. Doesn't matter, this is still the best year we ever had. Had a drink or two in the evening, but didn't go anywhere as the girls' schedule was off, and at no meal time did we have a quorum. At least I got to play „When I'm 64“, at least half of it, but Violet didn't like it so I stopped.

So the next day we went to zanatlija, riding two cabs - they didn't have vans and allegedly get stiffly fined if they stuff more than 4 persons in a car. I wasn't driving so I could drink - had just 1 beer :). Strolled to downtown and had cakes in the same Prleski on main street to which we stick for the last 50+ years, with probably fourth owner by now. In the end, we two and Violet took the second cab and told the girl (cabbie) "I guess every taxist wishes to hear this at least once: follow that car".

The weather is very hot, the river is low.

Mentions: december 1985., Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Brata Avramov, Čankovo, Fabrika station, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Lesnina, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), MPSŠC, Prleski, ruža, Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), šećerana, Violet, zanatlija, in serbian