
(App, Poland)

A 3D Tetris, with pieces of up to 5 adjacent cubes, planar or 3D. They are dropped into a rectangular well, seen from above. The depth of the well is between 5 and 18, sides between 3 and 15, adjustable. Scores kept separately for each configuration. After a certain score (calculated somehow from the complexity) the level increases.

There's also a setting to play with just planar pieces; for us maniacs it was the full set, of course, or as Nena called it, "karakondžule" (mythic scary beings from dark realms, from serbian lore, probably some kind of dragonly beings, from greek kalikanzaros, which would translate into goblin). Grgi and I were the champions in DBA.

Written by two guys, Ustaszewsky and... could look it up. Playing this in various resolutions since 1989, also using DosBox under W2003, W7 and Ubuntu under wine.

By the end of 2017 found that a reconstruction for Linux exists. Works like the original, with slight changes in the scoring - can't exactly pinpoint where, but enough to throw off any comparisons with all hall-of-fame lists. Still as fun as it always was. As of end of 2024, still playing it. Getting worse at it, though, the reflexes gone.

Mentions: 04-X-1989., june 1991., 20-II-1992., 23-IX-1993., 23-VIII-1995., 26-II-2005., 14-VIII-2008., 24-IX-2008., 26-I-2010., 09-XII-2017., Atila Gereg (Grgi), DBA, dosBox, Nevena Žaja (Nena), in serbian

12-XI-2017 - 21-VI-2024