
Go scored 153279 on blockout 3x3x10 basic, unsurpassed. Was some birthday party, eh? The machine was the 386SX that I carried over from DBA, with the whole 4M of RAM (or was it already extended to 8, courtesy of Szoftex?).

Meanwhile, Ileš was generating the cadre form for payroll in GenerAll.

In Magyar Hírlap of probably 19th, there was a bit of short news on the rear page, more or less like this: „In Scotland a hypnotiser dog has gone missing. The constabulary is searching for it. Any persons who may find it are strongly warned not to look it in the eyes“. I know there are slow days in the summer, when filling a page is hard to achieve, but these guys are actually having fun with it.

Mentions: blockout, DBA, GenerAll, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ileš Notaroš, payroll, Szoftex, in serbian