
Twentythird, making photos for passports, and for Lena's application at Utrecht. We still have the special glossy photo quality paper, which we probably bought in the previous century. These shots from Fujica look as on real photo paper, except they're much sharper, probably because they're so small. Enlarged, it would be possible to see that this is not the most expensive camera.

It was a bit tough to make a studio - where the wall is white, there's not enough light, or comes from a side, and we don't have enough sources of artificial light to make it uniform, so we parked the chairs in the kitchen. The model faces the window, the camera of course against, and a chair with taller back to lean the camera on so it doesn't shake. Behind the model's back, Go's old drawings portfolio, which she gave to Lena when she graduated, big enough to act as a wall.

Go has a new jacket (jakna, in serbian, which the girls called janka when they were little; Janko is a regular name, variant of Ian), ba Armani. It cost 1500$... two years ago. Then it was discounted by 75%. Twice. And she had some sales pitch gift card, so it eventually cost about 100$ :). Such are we, if we like something, we don't care about the price, it can be as cheap as it wants.

My best score ever on blockout 5x5x18 (the deepest one it has), 297530. Judging by the trim around the window, this is probably a windows expee, bbLean as shell.

Was helping Laura with setting up the translation table for Feds for no particular language. We were using the translation table (external add-on table, which overrides the internal one) for special versions of any strings that needed local content - for example if a clinic would call a "no show" status of an appointment an "unrealized", that string would appear in that table, without any need to create a special build or code a workaround. That kind of thing was routine, but this add-on table was absent by default; one had to create it (usually by copying zero records from the internal table - a neat trick in fox).

This is the backroom, (... 3 words...) as shot from the kitchen (no door, just an opening). The door to the back yard is immediately to the left. It's not only yarn, clothes, sewing machines. There's also the chainsaw and hedge trimmer (on the shelf behind the irony board), Ender's tennis balls, the fusebox (the gray patch on the wall, behind the shelf)... Ali Baba's cave.

We took pictures of ourselves, official ones, again. Previously, it was for our attempts to get a diversity visa (i.e. green card), which worked only for Nina. This time it was for the passports to go home. Our old passports have expired, and wer issued by FRY anyway. Our home country is now RS, and they have these new biometric passports, which take some time to get. We'll see.

The weather was not too bad, so going out for a smoke was not much of a problem.

Mentions: blockout, Ender Aquila (Ender), Feds, fox, Fujica, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Laura O'Hare, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), translation, in serbian