Bata (Stanimir Kršić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A cousin of Brlja, on wife's side (or on mom's, I wouldn't know), lives in Novi. He helped us get the gig with the cab drivers' unions there (which operate as separate companies) and he actually did the sound recording part. Then later in A-burg he blurted out that it was sold five times, not knowing that I knew of (and got money for) just one.

Mentions: 27-XI-1997., 20-VII-1998., 03-XII-1999., 25-IV-2000., 20-XI-2000., 09-XII-2000., 07-IV-2001., Annenburg (A-burg), Goran Staković (Brlja), Novi Sad, TaxiSys, in serbian