
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

A shop near the community center here. Name means shamrock. We buy various garden stuff there - gloves, sprayers, brooms, hen fodder, various pieces of plastic, cat food etc. After seven years we achieved the status of old regular customers, and nowadays it's almost normal that when we ask about an item they don't have, it will magically appear on the shelves in a couple of weeks. Even the small stupid things like boiled egg holders.

Two work there, the big guy Sale and the little Najka (Nada, Nadica, Natalija?). He's the owner, I guess, lives with his wife upstairs, while the rest of the house is the shop and storage. Wife jumps in to help at times, once I bought a new tablespread and she measured it and cut it for me.

The two pretty equally share the load, including carrying 25kg sacks in and out, even though he is about twice her size. And the owners strictly respect the working hours - never saw them work overtime or on a holiday, including religious. A rare place.

Mentions: 26-VIII-2010., 25-XII-2013., 08-III-2014., 15-III-2014., 03-VIII-2015., 15-V-2020., 04-VII-2020., 21-VII-2020., 12-IX-2020., 05-XII-2020., 14-XII-2020., 13-II-2021., Tworthday, 03-III-2021., 01-V-2021., 14-V-2021., 20-VI-2021., 20-VII-2021., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 31-I-2022., 25-III-2022., 10-IX-2022., 28-XI-2022., 16-XII-2022., 06-III-2023., 22-III-2023., 15-VI-2023., 21-VIII-2023., 22-X-2023., 10-XI-2023., 13-I-2024., 11-III-2024., 02-IV-2024., autoLala, Voja (Joja), in serbian