Joja (Voja)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A young programmer we hired for Avai in 1998, which means I knew him for only about a year. He's been around. Regular guy, reliable. To his credit, he refused to join USquad and ventured on something else when Avai started falling apart.

While working for us, he was quite capable, although at times not managing his time, so some assignments weren't done on time or he just forgot. With young wife and two kids, he had his hands full and took that seriously, the family's breadwinner.

Met him briefly at detelina in 2017, with a double-take when he recognized me (and I not him until he extended a hand and smiled). Nice chat, too bad we didn't have more time.

Mentions: 15-IX-1998., 03-XII-1998., 05-XII-1998., 03-I-1999., 05-IX-1999., Off we go, 25-XI-1999., 06-VI-2000., 20-XI-2000., 13-III-2001., 17-V-2001., 09-VI-2001., 02-IV-2002., 21-VIII-2002., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, Avai, detelina, USquad, in serbian